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Journal "Slavianovedenie". General information

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Editor-in-Chief – Mikhail Andreevich Robinson, Dr. habil (history), head of research centre

Executive Secretary – Aleksandr Sergeevich Stykalin, PhD (history), chief research associate

Editorial Board

Tel.: (495) 938-01-20
E-mail: Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.

The journal (before 1992 – «Sovetskoe Slavianovedenie») is being published since January 1965 six times a year, an approximate volume of the issue is 12 printer’s sheets. Currently, it has a circulation of 600 copies. This is the leading journal on Slavic Studies in the Russian Federation, which publishes articles, discussion materials, round-tables reviews, documents, critical reviews, bibliographies, chronicles pf scholarly life, information about books published by the Institute and so forth. Thematic issues provide better coherence in formation and presentation of materials. From 1992 on, each issue no. 2 is dedicated to the Day of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and devoted to the medieval Slavic history and culture, other issues deal with cultural history, history of literature, linguistics. Authors are associates of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other national and regional research and educational centres as well as foreign scholars. The journal is well known among specialist in Slavic Studies all over the world (approximately one fifth of its circulation is subscription abroad).

The journal has its own peer-review network.


